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Sim Rules

The Laws of Heart's Palace

(Administered by Angels of Death's Castle)


1. We fully support Linden Labs Term of Service. Please read up Linden Labs TOS & Linden Lab Official:Residents' privacy rights.


2. A copy of our welcome note containing this rule and rules for role-playing will be automatically be given upon arrival. By entering our sim and engage in activities here, it is  our visitors duty to read the rules. Ignorance shall not mean anyone is excluded from the need to follow our rules.


3. Our admin will try to be as polite and diplomatic as possible. If you are told to stop doing something that is against our rules, please give your full cooperations.


4. We are an adult sim. No child avatars and no under age persons.


5. We are a Bloodlines friendly sim. However, you do not need to be a bloodlines member to join our role-play groups.


4. Zero tolerance on griefing, spamming, stalking, sending of unsolicited random bite invites or other forms of unsolicated animations invites.


5. Please keep your scripts under 100. We are equipped with auto lag monitor that will send auto warning and TP you home for excessive scripts.


6. No pornography material or media in open areas and in our dance club and concert area.


7. This is a medieval themed sim, please dress according to the theme when you are role-playing.


8. Always discuss and agree on your role-playing limits (with regards to slavery, sex, rape, BDSM, gore and violence etc) with your role-player partners before engaging in any role-playing.  We cannot be held responsible for any unpleasant experience that you might encounter. Use your mute and block button on your viewer if necessary.


9.  Wear your role-play meter during role-play. For out-of-character (OOC) situation please take off your meter or switch to training mode.


10. Please type all your role-play in local chat. For out-of-character (OOC) chat, please use IM or adds ((your text)) if it is in local chat.


11. Always respect your fellow SL residents. If someone is uncomfortable with progress of the role-playing and asked to stopped (even if that was previously discussed), please respect their wish or risk being brand as griefer and stalker.


12. Virtual rape, use of RLV device or violence against any person without consents in role-playing, non-role-playing and/or afk situation will leads to an immediately ban and likely to be reported to Linden Lab without hesitation.  


13. In the event of complaints or need for moderation our admin may may request Chat and IM logs from all parties concern to adjudicate the dispute and thereby temporary waiving the privacy right under Linden Lab's TOS. Refusing to cooperate with our admin in such an event to help us investigate in any way and resolve complaints may lead to our admin temporarily or permanently suspend a person or groups of persons concern. It is a person' right to refuse giving their chat logs under Linden Lab Privacy TOS. However, it is also our right as a private sim to refuse anyone in any dispute temporary or permanently to protect our visitors.

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